
I was searching around in the MTGSalvation forums for a competent Jhoira Control deck that won’t cost me a fortune when I accidentally clicked this curious little thread named ‘Something Blue, Something Dredged’ at the Decks for Critique subforum. The list at the first post contatined the barebones of a very powerful Combo deck, and the second post completed the list with Aggro-Control elements as a backup plan if anything goes awry. Believe me, I was impressed by the poster’s boasts of turn 4-6 kills, and (at a God hand) the deck even managed a turn 3 kill. It was running under an inginous engine that looked like a pile of crap(cards) at first, but they’re really damn synergistic once you playtest the deck. Here’s my take on NarcoBridge.dec –
// NAME: Dredge.mwDeck
// Land
6 Island
4 River of Tears
4 Gemstone Mine
4 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Swamp
1 Forest
1 Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
// Critters
4 Drowned Rusalka
4 Narcomoeba
4 Magus of the Bazaar
4 Thought Courier
4 Stinkweed Imp
4 Golgari Grave-Troll
2 Flame-Kin Zealot
1 Blazing Archon
1 Mindslicer
// Other Spells
4 Bridge from Below
4 Dread Return
2 Nightmare Void
// Sideboard
SB: 4 Leyline of the Void
SB: 4 Darkblast
SB: 4 Krosan Grip
SB: 3 Damnation The Combo: During early game, play draw enablers (Drowned Rusalka, Thought Courier and Magus of the Bazaar) and dredge (Golgari Grave-troll, Stinkweed Imp and Nightmare Void) like crazy. The goal is to hit Bridge from Below, Dread Return and Flame-Kin Zealot at the graveyard. When there’s one or two bridges at the graveyard, flashback Dread Return (Sacrificing three creatures as a cost) targeting Flame-Kin Zealot. This will trigger a chain reaction that would end on the destruction of the entire universe, depending on the number of Bridge from Below in the ‘yard. A single bridge would net you three 3/3 zombies with haste and a 3/3 elemental with haste (12 Damage Total), two bridges will produce six 3/3 zombies with haste and the elemental (21 Damage Total), three bridges: nine 3/3s plus 1 elemental (30 Damage Total) and if you somehow got all four bridges at the 'yard after the combo, then its 12 3/3s plus 1 elemental (39 Damage Total). Don't forget that these zombies are fast - they've got haste because of the elemental.
The Aggro/Control: If the combo goes awry, such as when a stray critter hits your opponents graveyard and the bridges remove themselves from the game, the deck suddenly becomes an aggro-control hybrid. The dredging would continue, but the Imp and the Narcomoebas would act as control elements (plus the Nightmare Void) in order to stall the game. Control would have a pretty hefty problem of countering the dredgeable and huge Golgari Grave-troll, but when that monster takes the bat and swings for damage, it will score some huge damage.
The Problem: It lacks removal - this is done deliberately in order to make sure that accidents won;t happen. A critter dying in the other side of the playmat means that the bridges on your 'yard disintegrate. Vs. an aggro matchup however, well, that's why theres three damnations on the sideboard. The Leyline on the board also prevent the critters on the other side of the table from going to their graves.
Anyway, this is the deck I'm going to build this TimeSpiral Season, and probably the deck I'm going to bring to the Regionals. ^^ So, good luck to all of us, and Comments and Critiques are very much appreciated. Ciao, for now - I'm off to playtest!