Saturday, December 1, 2007

SWNow :: Episode 27 :: Lame Lame Lame :: 120107

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Detect Evil. Hehehe ^^

I don't think I'll be playing Ragnarok Online anymore - The graphics and the gameplay is really annoying. It's hard to enter the server, and the Item Mall sux. It does, really. I'll just stick to RFOnline, since the Giga 2 & Giga 3 patches look really cool.

Ok, those things aside, I woke up this morning at 1:30pm. I have a seminar at 9:00am, and 1:00pm at the school. T_T Wahhh, I freakin overslept again. Oh well. Nothing much happened this last few days. Well, the Manila Peninsula Mutiny happened (30 mutinous soldiers + unarmed senators, bishops and journalists Vs. 1500 Soldiers + 3 Armored Personnel Carriers. Wtf did they expect to happen? It really is 'the lamest coup ever') My thesis is rolling along, I still don't have the data from Mam Milka, but I think I can incorporate that easily. On Magic:tG, I'm really bored on this set's Standard Environment. It's kinda dull - Lorwyn's Tribal Theme doesn't really strike me as a good mechanic - It forces the player to include 'suboptimal' cards because there's no other alternatives (Changelings, etc.) Control, on the other hand, is having a hard time (Counterspell, where art thou?), while Combo is dead. o__o *sigh*

So, Let's recap:
  1. Thesis - In Development.
  2. Ragnarok Online - Lame.
  3. RFOnline - Loving my Int +4 CR Upper & Int +3 CR Lower ^^
  4. Magic:tG - Dead.
  5. Gals - No comment.
  6. WebComic - Still looking for a WebHost... Can anyone help me? Please?
  7. Dungeons? - Haha. Hmm... Actually...
Yes, there's actually some D&D News for all of you. Not exactly D&D, but D20 Future. I'm currently working with tagailog to create a D20 Future crossover campaign - Bubblegum Crisis: Pasig 2040. I'm ironing out the details, but I think I will release the Core Rulebook this Tuesday, after I get the all clear from tagailog, who's illustrating the book.

That, I think, is everything. Hmmm. I'm Curious. ^^ Hehehe Ciao, peeps! See ya later.

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