Monday, October 1, 2007

SWNow :: Episode 19 :: After 1 Month :: 100107

Watch the video above. It's enlightening, to say the least...
"What's war good for?"

Darn it, there's a lot of things I want to share. -___- Okay, lets do this: (Btw, I'll add links a little later k? There's a bunch of blocked sites here at school because of 'Gaming Content' or somesuch)
  1. Persona 3 Rocks! especially the soundtrack, though the story and gameplay is also superb! Kudos to Shoji Meguro, Persona 3's Music Composer for awe-inspiring tracks such as Burn my Dread and The Poem for Everyone's Souls. Bonus Trivia: Rie Tanaka voiced both Mitsuru (Persona 3, Japanese Ed) and Lacus Clyne (Gundam SEED).
  2. Thesis is almost complete! Well, the documentations at least. The whole paper is almost 50+ pages, and is 95% complete - with only typographical errors and a few revisions at the last chapter to take care of. ^^ Hehehe at last, I can rest a bit before the Proposal Defense and the Development Crunch (OH CRAP, I almost forgot about that!) arrives.
  3. Spent the night in Letran (School) last September 20 for the Overnight Novena for Our Lady of La Naval de Manila. It was enlightening, got a bit of solitude from that.
  4. I'm playing RFOnline-Ph again! Well, It recently became a Free-2-Play Online RPG, so, why not? I already have a sufficiently high level character, and I'd only need to grind just another level (I'm at level 42 - I need to be at level 43 to equip my SI Vulcan...) before engaing in the Chip Wars... So, I'm playing again! Mwahahaha! ^^
  5. My parents bought me a new cellphone as a birthday present! And it's a friggin PDA-Phone to boot! Hehehe I'm very happy about it - It's a Sony Ericson P990i, complete with Wi-Fi features! ^^ I got a GBA Emulator running in it! Hehehe... The only problem is that it doesn't support my sim (yet)... so mehhhh...
  6. I've developed a need for gun-toting animes. Last last week, I'm craving for Gunslinger Girl, and now, I'm looking for Trigun Reruns. Also, I'm downloading GunXSword. Wtf's wrong with me?
  7. Bought a new mouse (Yey!) and got a haircut. I kinda don't like it, but my parents and friends tell that its better from my long haired look. Hmmm...
  8. I'm also developing a taste for webcomics. Oh, and I need to finalize the design for Austin's webcomic. I'm thinking about taking down these GIFs at the left panel and replace them with a WebComic Listing... Hmmm...
  9. Oh, And my birthday was at September 12 for those of you didn't come at the celebration.
  10. It's my bestfriend's birthday a couple of days from now! Oct 3 <--- Gazee's Day. ^^
  11. I'm loving Fall Out Boy's new album - Infinity on High, especially Golden, Thnks fr th Mmrs, The Take Over, The Break's Over, I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me + You), You're Crashing, But You're No Wave and The Carpal Tunnel of Love. Wow. That's a lot of tracks :P
  12. I'm really inclined to quit Magic right now. All I'm doing with my cards are crappy, non-competitive White Weenie decks. Which kinda sucks. I'll post a decklist later. I hope.
I'm hating my house right now - Actually, I'm hating a lot of things right now. I'm so uninspired. Darn it, and my sociophobic tendencies is on the rise. It's like a war in my head right now, although my mood isn't really bad. I kinda like what's currently happening. Oh, and about my last post - I'd rather forget about it. I've bitched about it on my friends, so I'm cool. ^^ Those things aside, I hope my laziness goes away when I get home, so that I can place pics and links at this post. Oh, and put a WebComic listing at the panel. -___-

So, Ciao!

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